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  • Chevaux en Camargue ( Horses in Camargue)

    Aubusson tapestry woven by the Pinton workshop. N°1/6. Circa 1980.
        Although Brayer designed on occasion large-scale mural pieces (notably sets for the Paris Opera), he did not devote much of his time to tapestry  : the works he produced in this particular domain are in fact reproductions of pre-existing paintings featuring typically provençal subjects.
  • A chacun son soleil à chacun sa lumière (To each his sun to each his light)

    Aubusson tapestry woven by the Tabard workshop. With label. Circa 1960.
        Essentially known to the artistic community for her ink drawings and illustrations, Filozof is proof of the variety of artists whose work has been woven in Aubusson over the years.  Although the naïf style (or one which is at least influenced by folk art) is hardly over-represented (but we can mention here Mady de la Giraudière) : 8 of her designs have been woven by Tabard.
  • Allégorie des métiers (Allegory of trades)

    Aubusson tapestry woven by the Braquenié workshop. 1958.
    A curious cartoon where, against a vaguely hexagonal (reference to France, often referred to as “l’hexagone”) star-shaped background are pictured the family, traditional trades (fisherman, farmer,...) placed in front of  gasometres, cranes and other emblems of modernity : a hymn to reconstruction, a political allegory, a work of propaganda,...  ?
  • L’enclos (Enclosure)

    Aubusson tapestry woven in the Brivet workshop. With signed label, n°4/4. 1966.
    It was in 1953 that Jean Picart le Doux proposed to Chaye to become his assistant and encouraged him to design tapestry cartoons : he would produce numerous bucolic cartoons, but also views of Normandy (Mont Saint Michel, Honfleur, regattas,...) from whence he came.   Here is a thoroughly characteristic cartoon of this artist who specialises in pastures, hedges and woodland scenes.
  • Cadran solaire (Sundial)

    Aubusson tapestry woven in the Legoueix workshop. With signed label, n°6/6. Circa 1970.
    It was in 1953 that Jean Picart le Doux proposed to Chaye to become his assistant and encouraged him to design tapestry cartoons : he would produce numerous bucolic cartoons, but also views of Normandy (Mont Saint Michel, Honfleur, regattas,…) from whence he came. In order to express Nature’s harmony, Chaye includes in this characteristic scene of a river bank animated by flowers and animals, a sign of human presence, static and discreet : a sundial.  
  • Jardin sauvage (wild garden)

        Aubusson tapestry woven by the Glaudin-Brivet workshop. With signed label, n°4/4. Circa 1970.           It was in 1953 that Jean Picart le Doux proposed to Chaye to become his assistant and encouraged him to design tapestry cartoons : he would produce numerous bucolic cartoons, but also views of Normandy (Mont Saint Michel, Honfleur, regattas,…) from whence he came.   Here is a thoroughly characteristic cartoon of this artist who specialises in pastures, hedges and woodland scenes.
  • Source claire (clear spring)

    Aubusson tapestry woven in the  Bonjour workshop. With signed label, n°3/4. Circa 1960.
    It was in 1953 that Jean Picart le Doux proposed to Chaye to become his assistant and encouraged him to design tapestry cartoons : he would produce numerous bucolic cartoons, but also views of Normandy (Mont Saint Michel, Honfleur, regattas,…) whence  he came.
    A classic cartoon in the naturalistic vein of this particular artist, who made a speciality of enclosures, hedges and riverbanks with animals.  
  • Bouquet d'octobre (october bouquet)

    Aubusson tapestry woven in the  Legoueix workshop. With label, n°5/6. Circa 1980.
    It was in 1953 that Jean Picart le Doux proposed to Chaye to become his assistant and encouraged him to design tapestry cartoons : he would produce numerous bucolic cartoons, but also views of Normandy (Mont Saint Michel, Honfleur, regattas,...) whence he came. The theme of the bouquet is omnipresent in Chaye’s work ; it allows him seasonal or chromatic associations of great decorative value.
  • La rivière d'argent (the silver river)

    Aubusson tapestry woven in the Hamot workshop to the artist’s cartoon. With certificate of origin signed by the artist. Circa 1960. It was in 1953 that Jean Picart le Doux proposed to Chaye to become his assistant and encouraged him to design tapestry cartoons : he would produce numerous bucolic cartoons, but also views of Normandy (Mont Saint Michel, Honfleur, regattas,…) whence he came. A classic cartoon in the naturalistic vein of this particular artist, who made a speciality of enclosures, hedges and riverbanks with animals.
  • Le grand tétras (Capercaillie)

        Aubusson tapestry woven by the Legoueix workshop. With signed label, n°2/6. Circa 1970.           It was in 1953 that Jean Picart le Doux proposed to Chaye to become his assistant and encouraged him to design tapestry cartoons : he would produce numerous bucolic cartoons, but also views of Normandy (Mont Saint Michel, Honfleur, regattas,…) from whence he came.   Here is a thoroughly characteristic cartoon of this artist who specialises in pastures, hedges and woodland scenes.


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