Sérénade à la lune (moon serenade)



Aubusson tapestry woven by the Braquenié workshop.



Initiated into the art of tapestry design by Jean Picart le Doux, Poirier produced his first cartoon in 1951 : he was to produce twenty-odd cartoons during the 1950’s, which led him to be considered as one of the great hopes for the new Tapestry movement. However from the 60’s onwards, he returned to painting.


‘Sérénade à la lune’ was originally a large-scale cartoon (190 x 285 cm) commissioned by Jacques Adnet in 1952. Our tapestry uses the left-hand side of the composition, reduced in height and inverted, without the moon. This fragmentation met the needs of a clientele eager for small formats.



Bibliography :
J. Cassou, M. Damain, R. Moutard-Uldry, la tapisserie française et les peintres cartonniers, Tel, 1957, ill. p.182