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  • Les épées d'or (the golden swords)

    Aubusson tapestry woven in the Braquenié workshop. With label. Circa 1960.
  • Lente approche (slow approach)

    Aubusson tapestry woven in the Braquenié workshop. With label. Circa 1960.
  • Le clown (the clown)

    Aubusson tapestry woven by the Hecquet workshop. With signed label, n°1/1. 1974.
  • Composition

    Aubusson tapestry woven by the Caron workshop. Circa 1970.
  • Les Champs-Elysées (the Champs Elysées)

    Aubusson tapestry woven by the Pinton workshop for the Compagnie des arts Français. 1945.
        The important and significant place that Maurice Brianchon occupies in the movement to renew the art of tapestry owes a lot to his relationship with Jacques Adnet. A teacher at the Ecole nationale supérieure des Arts décoratifs, Brianchon was known for his murals, also as a set designer for the theatre, and during the war years, as the creator of 6 cartoons for the Compagnie des Arts Français (which with the 2 others he produced for the Manufactures Nationales, will be the only ones he produced). If his style is similar to that of the Nabis (and most notably Vuillard), the themes he uses in his tapestries are more characteristic of the grand French tradition of which, at the time, the Compagnie des Arts, was the champion : fauns, divinities, anachronic juxtapositions... are evoked in a poetic and dream-like atmosphere which is both refined and even precious.   ‘Le Ballet’, a carton woven at the Gobelins, is a contemporary work; while the general composition is retained here (actors on “the boards” in costumes similar to those designed by the artist at the time for Marivaux's “Fausses confidences”, side scenery, perspective, etc.), Brianchon opted for monochrome here and, for once, the carton woven in private workshops is larger than that produced at the Manufactures Nationales.     Bibliography : J. Cassou, M. Damain, R. Moutard-Uldry, la tapisserie française et les peintres-cartonniers, Editions Tel, 1957 Cat. Expo. Dialogues avec Lurçat, Musées de Basse-Normandie, 1992 Symposium Jean Lurçat et la renaissance de la Tapisserie à Aubusson, Aubusson, Musée départemental de la tapisserie, 1992, ill. n°9 Cat. Expo. Le Mobilier National et les Manufactures Nationales des Gobelins et de Beauvais sous la IVe République, Beauvais, galerie nationale de la tapisserie, 1997
  • New York

    Aubusson tapestry woven in the Goubely workshop. With signed label. 1960.
          Lurçat’s artistic production was immense : it is however his role as the renovator of the art of tapestry design which ensures his lasting renown. As early as 1917, he started producing works on canvas, then in the 20’s and 30’s, he worked with Marie Cuttoli. His first collaboration with the Gobelins workshop dates back to 1937, at the same time he discovered the tapestry of the Apocalypse which was essential in his decision to devote himself to tapestry design. He first tackled the Gobelins, 2016technical aspects with François Tabard, then on his installation at Aubusson during the war, he established his technique : broad point, a simplified palette, outlined cartoons with colours indicated by pre-ordained numbers. A huge production then follows (over 1000 cartoons) amplified by his desire to include his painter friends, the creation of the A.P.C.T. (Association des Peintres-Cartonniers de Tapisserie) and the collaboration with the art gallery La Demeure and Denise Majorel, and then by his role as a tireless advocate for the medium around the world.   His tapestries reveal a pictorial world which is specifically decorative, with a very personal symbolic iconography : cosmogony (the sun, the planets, the zodiac, the four elements…) stylised vegetation, fauna (rams, cocks, butterflies, chimera …) standing out against a background without perspective (voluntarily different from painting) and, in his more ambitious work, designed as an invitation to share in a poetic (he sometimes weaves quotations into his tapestries) and philosophical (the grand themes are broached from the wartime period onwards) vision whose climax is the “Chant du Monde” (Song of the World) (Jean Lurçat Museum , ancien hôpital Saint Jean, Angers) which remained unfinished at his death.   The theme, modernist urbanism, is a rare one for the artist (the tapestry is sometimes also entitled Chicago), and does not appear until quite late. We should not forget, however, the figure of his brother André, an architect, and the omnipresent theme of compartmentalisation: the skyscraper becomes an avatar of the wardrobe or the chequerboard.   Bibliography : Tapisseries de Jean Lurçat 1939-1957, Pierre Vorms Editeur, 1957 Exhibition Catalogue Jean Lurçat, Nice, Musée des Ponchettes, 1968 Exhibition Catalogue Lurçat, 10 ans après, Musée d’Art moderne de la ville de Paris, 1976, ill. Exhibition catalogue Les domaines de Jean Lurçat, Angers, Musée Jean Lurçat et de la tapisserie contemporaine, 1986 Symposium Jean Lurçat et la renaissance de la tapisserie in Aubusson, Aubusson, Musée départemental de la tapisserie 1992 Exhibition Catalogue Dialogues avec Lurçat, Musées de Basse-Normandie, 1992 Exhibition catalogue Jean Lurçat, Donation Simone Lurçat, Académie des Beaux-Arts, 2004 Jean Lurçat, le chant du monde Angers 2007 Gérard Denizeau, Denise Majorel, une vie pour la tapisserie, Aubusson, Musée départemental de la tapisserie Gérard Denizeau, Jean Lurçat, Liénart, 2013 Exhibition Catalogue Jean Lurçat, Meister der französischen Moderne, Halle, Kunsthalle Exhibition Catalogue Jean Lurçat au seul bruit du soleil, Paris, galerie des Gobelins, 2016 Exhibition Catalogue Jean Lurçat, la terre, le feu, l’eau, l’air, Perpignan, Musée d’art Hyacinthe Rigaud, 2024  
  • Eveil du jour (Awakening of the day)

    Aubusson tapestry woven in the Pinton workshop. With label, n°1/1. Circa 1980.
  • Composition

    Tapestry woven by the artist. With signed label, and preparatory drawing. Circa 1980.
  • Matin d'été (summer morning)

    Aubusson tapestry woven in the Laurent workshop. With signed label, n°2/6. 1983.
      A former student at the ENAD in Aubusson, Lartigaud created his first tapestry cartoon in 1968. He went on to design hundreds more, most of them woven by the Four Workshop. Although his cartoons are mainly abstract, there is also a bucolic side to his work, that Fumeron would not have disowned.
  • Paysage au flamboyant (landscape with flamboyant)

    Aubusson tapestry woven by the Jean Laurent workshop. N°6/6. Circa 1990.
        In a similar vein to Toffoli, Raymond Poulet criss-crossed the world and his travels provided the themes that inspired his work.


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