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  • Paysage au flamboyant (landscape with flamboyant)

    Aubusson tapestry woven by the Jean Laurent workshop. N°6/6. Circa 1990.
        In a similar vein to Toffoli, Raymond Poulet criss-crossed the world and his travels provided the themes that inspired his work.
  • Marché aux chameaux (camel market)

    Aubusson tapestry produced by Jean Laurent. 1980.
        In a similar vein to Toffoli, Raymond Poulet criss-crossed the world and his travels provided the themes that inspired his work ; the oriental inspiration has few precursors among the world of the peintre-cartonniers other than Bezombes.
  • Composition

    Tapestry woven by the Atelier 3 workshop for the Attali gallery. With label, n°1/6. Circa 1990.
  • Valise fleur III ( flower suitcase III)

    Tapestry woven by the atelier de tapisserie d'Angers. With signed label, n°1/6. 2002.
  • Eveil du jour (Awakening of the day)

    Aubusson tapestry woven in the Pinton workshop. With label, n°1/1. Circa 1980.
  • Les Champs-Elysées (the Champs Elysées)

    Aubusson tapestry woven by the Pinton workshop for the Compagnie des arts Français. 1945.
  • Santa Barbara

    Aubusson tapestry woven by the Pinton workshop. With signed label, n°2/6. Circa 1965.
  • Cap Canaveral (Cape Canaveral)

    Aubusson tapestry woven by the Tabard workshop. With signed label, n°2/6. Circa 1970.
  • La sylve (the forest)

    Tapestry woven by the Braquenié workshop. With label. 1968.
        Representing the prolific Belgian school of modern tapestry, Mary Dambiermont, is one of its most sensitive protagonists whose work is resolutely figurative. She made her tapestry début at the age of 24 in 1956 and that led her to a close collaboration with the Braquenié establishment in 1958 and from there to two participations in the Biennales de tapisserie in Lausanne in 1962 and 1965. The world she inhabits is a singular place peopled with hieratic figures, often feminine who inhabit dream-like landscapes which are strange and occasionally troubling. Sometimes however, nature is sufficient unto itself, although not often on the scale of this work (12 m2 !), abandoning any attempt at storytelling, as if an echo of bygone times in the history of Tapestry making : “With its twentieth century foliage, it reveals the ancient architecture of an immutable forest.” (Paul Caso, Mary Dambiermont, p.56)       Bibliography : Paul Caso, Mary Dambiermont, Editions Arts et voyages, 1975, ill p.54-55
  • Escorte (escort)

    Aubusson tapestry woven in the Picaud workshop for the Verrière gallery. With signed label, n°EA. Circa 1970.


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