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  • Composition

    Aubusson tapestry woven in the Picaud workshop. Circa 1960.
    Born in 1912, Farvèze is one of the second generation of painter-cartonniers whose heyday dates from the end of the 1950’s, with the likes of Grékoff, Ferréol, Petit, Potin, … Influenced both by his meeting with Gleizes and a trip to Senegal which brought prestigious state commissions, he would be chosen to participate in the second Biennale de Lausanne in 1965. This piece is characterised by a highly stylised and very colourful design ; the absence of the certificate of origin means that we have no indication of the title or subject  - although various animal-shaped forms can be distinguished.
  • Composition

    Aubusson tapestry woven in the Pinton workshop. N°1/6. Circa 1960.
    Fumeron designed his first cartoons (he would ultimately make over 500) in the 1940’s, in collaboration with the Pinton workshop, he was then commissioned on numerous occasions by the state before participating in the decoration of the ocean liner “France”. His work was figurative to begin with and influenced by Lurçat, then turned towards abstraction, before coming back to a style characterised by colourful figurative and realistic depictions from the 1980’s onwards. An abstract cartoon, typical of the artist’s work, in a style which are redolent of Borderie or Wogensky, and which bear witness to the unceasing originality of his creativity.
  • Les Jumelles (the twins)

    Tapestry woven in the Moulin de Vauboyen workshop. With signed label, n°3/8. 1966.
    Carzou is one of a number of artists whose work was woven at Bièvres at the Moulin de Vauboyen (hence the mark MV woven into the tapestries), which was transformed by Pierre de Tartas into an arts centre in 1959 and devoted to figurative art. Many noteworthy names would pass through including Cocteau, Foujita, Erni, Volti ... among others, who would produce much work, often monumental, as well as realisations in the applied arts (notably book illustrations)   Carzou was most noted at the start of his career as a decorative painter (notably for the theatre), and his work for tapestry is relatively rare. His style is immediately recognisable in this cartoon, the busy hatching illustrating dream-like subjects, not unlike work produced by Lucien Coutaud.
  • L’arbre de vie (Life tree)

    Aubusson tapestry woven in theTabard workshop. With signed label, n°5/8. Circa 1970.
    Henri Ilhe, who came to the design of tapestry cartoons late on in his career, still managed to produce from 1964 onwards a considerable number (more than 120, all woven by the Tabard workshop) in an urbane style, incorporating birds and butterflies sporting in and around the gnarled branches of trees and bushes. Should this be taken as an interpretation of the tree of life as a symbol of Creation as mentioned in various religious traditions, or more simply as an allegory for Nature with its budding leaves irrigated by a meandering stream ?
  • Allégorie des métiers (Allegory of trades)

    Aubusson tapestry woven by the Braquenié workshop. 1958.
    A curious cartoon where, against a vaguely hexagonal (reference to France, often referred to as “l’hexagone”) star-shaped background are pictured the family, traditional trades (fisherman, farmer,...) placed in front of  gasometres, cranes and other emblems of modernity : a hymn to reconstruction, a political allegory, a work of propaganda,...  ?
  • Flore des Baronnies (Baronnies's Flora)

    Aubusson tapestry woven in the Andraud workshop. With label, n°1/6. 1974.
    A student of Léon Detroy, Gaston Thiéry is one of the last representatives of the Crozant school of painting.   Established in the Creuse region of France, he started working on tapestries in 1965 with the Andraud workshop for whom he designed cartoons inspired by the local flora, in a decorative style which can be situated somewhere between that of Dom Robert and Maingonnat, a world away from his landscape paintings which were strongly influenced by the impressionists.
  • Le veilleur (the watchman)

    Aubusson tapestry woven by the Legoueix workshop. With label. 1948.
    A member of the A.P.C.T. (Association des Peintres-Cartonniers de Tapisserie), Wogensky is one of the many artists who would follow in Lurçat’s footsteps immediately after the war. At first influenced by his predecessor, Wogensky’s subsequent work (159 cartoons according to the 1989 exhibition catalogue) would evolve during the 1960’s towards a, not completely self-avowed, lyrical abstraction, from cosmic-astronomical themes expressed in decomposed, moving, birdlike shapes to cartoons both more refined and less dense. Although always claiming to be a painter, the artist’s conception of tapestry is extremely well thought out : “the realisation of a mural cartoon…. requires the consideration of a space which is no longer ours alone, by the nature of its dimensions, its scale, it also imposes a grand gesture which transforms and accentuates our presence.” Symptomatic of the heroic period at the end of the 1940’s, which also saw the blossoming of such talents as Tourlière, Lagrange, Matégot,..., all of whom were still young, inspired by Lurçat, and at the same time trying to assert their independent styles, whilst still remaining figurative, “le veilleur” affirms in a lyrical and brightly coloured style, its proximity to daily life (viz the detail of the striped jacket), and, at the same time, a highly symbolic connotation : a figure on the look-out in uncertain times. Bibliography : J. Cassou, M. Damain, R. Moutard-Uldry, la tapisserie française et les peintres cartonniers, Tel, 1957, ill. p.131 Exhibition catalogue Robert Wogensky, Aubusson, Musée départemental de la tapisserie, 1989, ill. p.15 Exhibition catalogue Robert Wogensky, Angers, Musée Jean Lurçat et de la Tapisserie Contemporaine, 1989 Exhibition Catalogue Jean Lurçat, compagnons de route et passants considérables, Felletin, Eglise, 1992, ill. p.46
  • Vercors

    Aubusson tapestry woven by the Pinton workshop. With signed label, n°2/6. Circa 1965.  
    Maurice André settled in Aubusson for the duration of the second world war. A founding member of the group “Tapisserie de France” and a member of the A.P.C.T. (Association des Peintres-Cartonniers de Tapisserie), he developed a personal style, different from that of Lurçat, characterised by rigorous, cubist-influenced flat areas of colour, often using a limited palette ; he received large-scale public commissions for the Council of Europe in Strasbourg (“L’Europe unie dans le Travail et la Paix”) or for the French pavilion at the Brussels Exhibition in 1958 (“La Technique moderne au service de l’Homme”). Gradually (as with Wogensky and Prassinos,...) his style evolved towards more abstraction, firstly lyrical and then more and more geometric, in a way very similar to Matégot.   In the mid 1960’s André’s style becomes comparable to that of Matégot, where battage, pick and pick and shading are the norm. Varying shades of green and triangular shapes are the means of evoking the peaks of the Vercors.
  • Eaux vives (Wild water)

    Aubusson tapestry woven in the Legoueix workshop. Complete with signed label, n°1/6. Circa 1970.
      Originally a sculptor exploiting very diverse materials (steel, concrete, clay…), Borderie came to tapestry with immense enthusiasm in the 1950’s with the weaving of his first cartoon in 1957. Receiving encouragement from Denise Majorel, he was awarded the Grand Prix National de la Tapisserie in 1962. In 1974 he was appointed as director at the Ecole Nationale des Arts Décoratifs at Aubusson but he resigned from this post shortly thereafter. He designed over 500 painted cartoons, abstracts using simple shapes, shading in a limited palette of colours and weaving with gros points.   Despite its warm colours and lyrical shapes (notably the sinuous vertical swirl, ressembling water currents), “Eaux vives” remains a one-off in Borderie’s work : the habitual muted colour scheme is broken here by the striking central red oval.     Bibliography : Exhibition catalogue André Borderie « pour l’homme simplement », Angers, Musée Jean Lurçat et de la Tapisserie Contemporaine 1998 J.J. et B. Wattel, André Borderie et la tapisserie d'Aubusson, Editions Louvre Victoire, 2018
  • L’enclos (Enclosure)

    Aubusson tapestry woven in the Brivet workshop. With signed label, n°4/4. 1966.
    It was in 1953 that Jean Picart le Doux proposed to Chaye to become his assistant and encouraged him to design tapestry cartoons : he would produce numerous bucolic cartoons, but also views of Normandy (Mont Saint Michel, Honfleur, regattas,...) from whence he came.   Here is a thoroughly characteristic cartoon of this artist who specialises in pastures, hedges and woodland scenes.


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