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  • Le veilleur (the watchman)

    Aubusson tapestry woven by the Legoueix workshop. With label. 1948.
    A member of the A.P.C.T. (Association des Peintres-Cartonniers de Tapisserie), Wogensky is one of the many artists who would follow in Lurçat’s footsteps immediately after the war. At first influenced by his predecessor, Wogensky’s subsequent work (159 cartoons according to the 1989 exhibition catalogue) would evolve during the 1960’s towards a, not completely self-avowed, lyrical abstraction, from cosmic-astronomical themes expressed in decomposed, moving, birdlike shapes to cartoons both more refined and less dense. Although always claiming to be a painter, the artist’s conception of tapestry is extremely well thought out : “the realisation of a mural cartoon…. requires the consideration of a space which is no longer ours alone, by the nature of its dimensions, its scale, it also imposes a grand gesture which transforms and accentuates our presence.” Symptomatic of the heroic period at the end of the 1940’s, which also saw the blossoming of such talents as Tourlière, Lagrange, Matégot,..., all of whom were still young, inspired by Lurçat, and at the same time trying to assert their independent styles, whilst still remaining figurative, “le veilleur” affirms in a lyrical and brightly coloured style, its proximity to daily life (viz the detail of the striped jacket), and, at the same time, a highly symbolic connotation : a figure on the look-out in uncertain times. Bibliography : J. Cassou, M. Damain, R. Moutard-Uldry, la tapisserie française et les peintres cartonniers, Tel, 1957, ill. p.131 Exhibition catalogue Robert Wogensky, Aubusson, Musée départemental de la tapisserie, 1989, ill. p.15 Exhibition catalogue Robert Wogensky, Angers, Musée Jean Lurçat et de la Tapisserie Contemporaine, 1989 Exhibition Catalogue Jean Lurçat, compagnons de route et passants considérables, Felletin, Eglise, 1992, ill. p.46
  • Grand vol roux (great red flight)

    Aubusson tapestry woven by the Legoueix workshop. With signed label, n°3/6. 1973.
  • Oiseau lumière (Lightbird)

    Aubusson tapestry woven by the Legoueix workshop. With signed label, n°1/4. 1969.
  • Oiseau pilote (Pilot bird)

    Aubusson tapestry woven in the Legoueix workshop. With signed label, n°1/6. 1969.
    A member of the A.P.C.T. (Association des Peintres-Cartonniers de Tapisserie), Wogensky is one of the many artists who would follow in Lurçat’s footsteps immediately after the war. At first influenced by his predecessor, Wogensky’s subsequent work (159 cartoons according to the 1989 exhibition catalogue) would evolve during the 1960’s towards a, not completely self-avowed, lyrical abstraction, from cosmic-astronomical themes expressed in decomposed, moving, birdlike shapes to cartoons both more refined and less dense. Although always claiming to be a painter, the artist’s conception of tapestry is extremely well thought out : “the realisation of a mural cartoon…. requires the consideration of a space which is no longer ours alone, by the nature of its dimensions, its scale, it also imposes a grand gesture which transforms and accentuates our presence.” « Oiseau pilote » in the singular, like its path  « time-weaving » its way through a red sky (cf. “Oiseaux de Midi”, or “Envol” from the same year) forming a shape (or even a veritable dynamic!) showing the way and guiding us to follow... Bibliography : Exhibition catalogue Robert Wogensky, Aubusson, Musée départemental de la tapisserie, 1989 Exhibition catalogue Robert Wogensky, Angers, Musée Jean Lurçat et de la Tapisserie Contemporaine, 1989 Exhibition Catalogue Tissages d’ateliers-tissages d’artistes, Angers, Musée Jean Lurçat et de la Tapisserie Contemporaine, 2004
  • Vega

        Aubusson tapestry woven in the Legoueix workshop. Certificate of origin signed by the artist n° 2 of 4. 1967.   A member of the A.P.C.T. (Association des Peintres-Cartonniers de Tapisserie), Wogensky is one of the many artists who would follow in Lurçat’s footsteps immediately after the war. At first influenced by his predecessor, Wogensky’s subsequent work (159 cartoons according to the 1989 exhibition catalogue) would evolve during the 1960’s towards a, not completely self-avowed, lyrical abstraction, from cosmic-astronomical themes expressed in decomposed, moving, birdlike shapes to cartoons both more refined and less dense. Although always claiming to be a painter, the artist’s conception of tapestry is extremely well thought out : “the realisation of a mural cartoon.... requires the consideration of a space which is no longer ours alone, by the nature of its dimensions, its scale, it also imposes a grand gesture which transforms and accentuates our presence.”   « Vega » is a work inspired by Wogensky’s « cosmic » vein (it’s title alone bears witness to the fact) which lasted through the 1960’s and of which “Cosmos” (1968 Strasbourg University) and “Galaxy” (1970, Sénat Palais du Luxembourg) would be the high points. Shading (omnipresent) and blocks of colour co-exist in a subtle harmony, evoking a curious, unknown world with elements of the infinitely small as seen through a microscope and the infinitely large.   Bibliography : Exhibition catalogue Robert Wogensky, Aubusson, Musée départemental de la tapisserie, 1989 Exhibition catalogue Robert Wogensky, Angers, Musée Jean Lurçat et de la Tapisserie Contemporaine, 1989
  • La femme fleur (flower lady)

    Aubusson tapestry woven in the Four workshop. N°EA/1. Circa 1980.
    Roger Bezombes was a proponent of monumental art from the beginning. He received numerous commissions for tapestries on behalf of the state which were woven first at the Gobelins and then at Aubusson, particularly with the Hamot workshop whose dyers were able to produce for him wools to match exactly the colours used for his cartons (which he painted himself to scale). In 1952-53, he produced a monumental set (300 m2) for the pavilion of the French colonies at the Cité Universitaire de Paris. He abandoned the weaving technique at the end of the 1950’s in favour of hangings made of assembled fabrics.
      At the beginning of the 1980’s , Bezombes returned to tapestry with “Bally” (see Audap-Mirabaud auction 19.11.12, lot n° 8) and this cartoon (see also what is doubtless the original drawing in the Pillon auction 4.12.2005 n° 245), both are particularly dreamlike and strongly influenced by graphic art and illustration techniques. “La femme fleur” (flower lady) is reproduced in the « Tapisserie d’Aubusson” file edited by the Guéret Chamber of Commerce and Industry in the beginning of the 1980’s to illustrate the technical mastery of the weavers of Aubusson.
  • Poisson cardinal (cardinal fish)

    Tapestry woven in the Saint-Cyr workshop. With signed label, n°EA2. 1978.
    Roger Bezombes was a proponent of monumental art from the beginning. He received numerous commissions for tapestries on behalf of the state which were woven first at the Gobelins and then at Aubusson, particularly with the Hamot workshop whose dyers were able to produce for him wools to match exactly the colours used for his cartons (which he painted himself to scale). In 1952-53, he produced a monumental set (300 m2) for the pavilion of the French colonies at the Cité Universitaire de Paris. He abandoned the weaving technique at the end of the 1950’s in favour of hangings made of assembled fabrics.   These murals (one of the first of which « la Musique », 25m long, was commissioned for France’s broadcasting headquarters La Maison de la Radio) are patchworks made from assembled fragments of cloth, and sometimes other  materials, sewn, stuck or stapled together. However, as here, some of his murals were reproduced in tapestry form by the Saint Cyr workshop belonging to Pierre Daquin. In these cases the theme of the fish is omnipresent ; Bezombes however is no ichthyologist, rather a poet : it is the colour, cardinal red, which concerns him here and not the fish of the same name.
  • Composition au chou (composition with cabbage)

    Tapestry woven By Lilette Keller. Circa 1963.
  • L’enclos (Enclosure)

    Aubusson tapestry woven in the Brivet workshop. With signed label, n°4/4. 1966.
    It was in 1953 that Jean Picart le Doux proposed to Chaye to become his assistant and encouraged him to design tapestry cartoons : he would produce numerous bucolic cartoons, but also views of Normandy (Mont Saint Michel, Honfleur, regattas,...) from whence he came.   Here is a thoroughly characteristic cartoon of this artist who specialises in pastures, hedges and woodland scenes.
  • Cadran solaire (Sundial)

    Aubusson tapestry woven in the Legoueix workshop. With signed label, n°6/6. Circa 1970.
    It was in 1953 that Jean Picart le Doux proposed to Chaye to become his assistant and encouraged him to design tapestry cartoons : he would produce numerous bucolic cartoons, but also views of Normandy (Mont Saint Michel, Honfleur, regattas,…) from whence he came. In order to express Nature’s harmony, Chaye includes in this characteristic scene of a river bank animated by flowers and animals, a sign of human presence, static and discreet : a sundial.  


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