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  • Byzance (Byzantium)

    Aubusson tapestry woven by the Four workshop. With label, n°3/6. Circa 1980.
          Toffoli produced a large number of tapestries in collaboration with the Robert Four workshop from 1976 onwards, designing several hundred cartoons. In them we find post-cubist transparent effects which are characteristic of the artist, as indeed are the subjects treated. Thus Toffoli’s tapestries do not differ from his painting : here the dome of Hagia Sophia  and the Bosphorus transport the observer elsewhere.
  • Procyon

    Aubusson tapestry woven by the Legoueix workshop. With signed label, n°3/4. 1968.
  • Algues en profondeurs (algae in the depths)

    Aubusson tapestry woven by the Pinton workshop. With signed label, n°1/6. Circa 1960.
          Matégot, originally a decorator, then creator of artefacts and furniture (an activity he abandoned in 1959) met François Tabard in 1945 and gave him his first cartoons, first of all figurative then rapidly of abstract design in the 1950’s. He became a member of the A.P.C.T. (Association des Peintres Cartonniers de Tapisserie) in 1949, participated in many international exhibitions (Matégot, like Lurçat before him, was an untiring advocate of the art of tapestry) fulfilled numerous public commissions, sometimes of monumental proportions (“Rouen” 85m2 for the Préfecture of the Seine Maritime département, and also tapestries for Orly Airport, for the Maison de la Radio, for the IMF...) and designed no fewer than 629 cartoons up until the 1970’s. In 1990 the Matégot foundation for contemporary tapestry was inaugurated in Bethesda, U.S.A. Matégot is an artist, like Wogensky, Tourlière or Prassinos, who turns wool textiles resolutely towards the abstract: at first lyrical, geometric in the 70’s, exploiting various technical aspects of the loom : colour graduations, shading, irregularities...   The palette of colours, “ camouflage style”,used in this tapestry heralds the look of cartoons to come from this artist but the lyrical treatment of shade and light are absolutely characteristic of the 1960’s. : if the subject (the seabed) is rare, we find the usual effects of transparency rendered by subtle gradations in a limited chromatic range.   Bibliography : Waldemar Georges, Mathieu Matégot, Prisme des Arts special issue, 1957 Exhibition catalogue, Matégot, Angers, Musée Jean Lurçat et de la Tapisserie Contemporaine, 1990-1991 Patrick Favardin, Mathieu Matégot, Editions Norma, 2014
  • Papillon (butterfly)

    Aubusson tapestry woven by the Four workshop. N°3/6. Circa 1970.
      Edmond Dubrunfaut can be considered as the great 20th century renovator of the Belgian tapestry tradition. He founded a weavers’ workshop in Tournai as early as 1942, then, in 1947, created the Centre de Rénovation de la Tapisserie de Tournai. He produced for various Belgian workshops (Chaudoir, de Wit,...) numerous cartoons destined notably to adorn Belgian embassies throughout the world. Moreover, Dubrunfaut was a teacher of monumental art forms at the Academie des Beaux-Arts de Mons from 1947 to 1978 and then, in 1979, contributed to the creation of the Fondation de la tapisserie, des arts du tissu et des arts muraux de Tournai, a veritable heritage centre for the art of the tapestry in Wallonie. His style, characterised by figuration, strong colour contrasts, draws direct inspiration from nature and animal life (as with Perrot, for example, this artist has a net predilection for birdlife).   Dubrunfaut, as well as having his works woven in Belgium, gave numerous cartoons to the Four manufacture in Aubusson : birds and butterflies combine with exotic flowers in sharp, bright colours on a midnight blue background.   Bibliography : Exhibition catalogue Dubrunfaut et la renaissance de la tapisserie, tableaux, dessins, peintures, Musée des Beaux-Arts de Mons, 1982-1983
  • Rives (shores)

    Aubusson tapestry woven in the Goubely workshop. With  label. Circa 1955.
  • Hautes brandes (High heather)

    Aubusson tapestry woven in the Four workshop. With label, n°EA1. Circa 1980.
  • La vérité cruelle d'un ancien jeu (the crual truth of an old game)

          Aubusson tapestry woven in the Pinton workshop. With label. 1970.     Best known as an engraver (and, be it said, one of the most important of the XXth century), Pierre Courtin designed  several tapestry cartoons (of which one measuring 110m2 (!) is to be seen at the International Labour Organization in Geneva), some of which, like ours, are taken from his engravings.. In this piece, the particular and personal aesthetic of the artist is revealed in the original grouping together of geometrical forms, which can be seen as a little reminiscent of ancient civilisations (pre-columbian particularly). Strange also the choice of colour scheme of this artist, who distances himself from the strong colour contrasts characteristic of his colleagues.      
  • Vendémiaire

    Tapestry woven by Coffinet for Ami de la Paix. Circa 1945.
        The story is well known: following the commission for the ‘4 Parts of the World’ to be woven at the Gobelins, Dubreuil was one of the 3 artists, along with Gromaire and Lurçat, sent by Guiillaume Janneau, administrator of the Manufactures Nationales, to Aubusson at the end of 1939, to renovate local tapestry production (with the commission for a set of tapestries on the theme of Gardens). Although he shared Lurçat's ideas on the influence that medieval tapestry should have in revitalising the medium, his abundant and resolutely naturalistic cartoons (lacking the dreamlike quality of Coutaud, for example) distanced him from his colleague, in favour of a closer relationship with the work of Maingonnat.   Our tapestry bears witness to Dubreuil's collaboration with Antoine Behna's A.R.T. (Atelier de Rénovation de la Tapisserie), of which Janneau, discredited for his role during the War, was the artistic and technical adviser. The allegorical register bears witness to Dubreuil's classicism, between academic nudes and still lifes reflecting the History of Painting. This workshop wove in both high and low heddle : the 1990 sale catalogue included one example woven in each technique.     Bibliography : G. Janneau, A. Behna, Tapisseries de notre temps, 1950, ill. n°64 Millon-Robert sale catalogue 3.10.1990 n°28-29, 64
  • Les chouettes (the owls)

    Tapestry woven by the de Wit workshop. Circa 1960.
        Edmond Dubrunfaut can be considered as the great 20th century renovator of the Belgian tapestry tradition. He founded a weavers’ workshop in Tournai as early as 1942, then, in 1947, created the Centre de Rénovation de la Tapisserie de Tournai. He produced for various Belgian workshops (Chaudoir, de Wit,...) numerous cartoons destined notably to adorn Belgian embassies throughout the world. Moreover, Dubrunfaut was a teacher of monumental art forms at the Academie des Beaux-Arts de Mons from 1947 to 1978 and then, in 1979, contributed to the creation of the Fondation de la tapisserie, des arts du tissu et des arts muraux de Tournai, a veritable heritage centre for the art of the tapestry in Wallonie. His style, characterised by figuration, strong colour contrasts, draws direct inspiration from nature and animal life (as with Perrot, for example, this artist has a net predilection for birdlife).   From 1955 and throughout the 1960s, the Wit manufactory wove a considerable number of tapestries after Dubrunfaut, the human figure soon giving way to floral subjects and, above all,  of birds.       Bibliography : Exhibition catalogue Dubrunfaut et la renaissance de la tapisserie, tableaux, dessins, peintures, Musée des Beaux-Arts de Mons, 1982-1983.  
  • Les enfants (children)

    Aubusson tapestry woven by the Four workshop. With illegible label, n°EA. Circa 1980.
            Toffoli produced a large number of tapestries in collaboration with the Robert Four workshop from 1976 onwards, designing several hundred cartoons. In them we find post-cubist transparent effects which are characteristic of the artist, as indeed are the subjects treated. Thus Toffoli’s tapestries do not differ from his painting : travelling for inspiration, here he illustrates  children playing in a street on the other side of the planet.


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